~ Hardcover
~ New Release - 2020
Burke's Law: A Life in Hockey
Player, agent, league executive, scout, Stanley Cup-winning GM, Olympic GM, media analyst, and accomplished businessman Brian Burke has lived and breathed hockey his whole life.
Dubbed 'the gruffest man in hockey' Burke opens up about the challenges, the feuds, and the tragedies he's fought through in Burke's Law, an unforgettable account of old beefs and old friendships, scores settled and differences forgiven, and all the many lessons learned the hard way.
“Brian Burke is first and foremost a father and community activist. He’s also a brilliant storyteller who’s led an extraordinary life. You’ll enjoy this book!” -- Rick Mercer, television personality and bestselling author of Talking to Canadians, Rick Mercer Report: The Book, and A Nation Worth Ranting About